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Edu Masda Journal is a periodical scientific journal published by STIKes Kharisma Persada. Edu Masda Journal accepts scientific papers in the form of research reports (original article research papers) with focus and scope including Pharmacy, Public Health and Medical Record issues. Edu Masda Journal can be used by health practitioners, health caregivers, teachers, medical students, and people who are interested in pharmacy, public health, and medical record issues. Edu Masda Journal was first published in September 2017 and subsequently published twice a year, in March and September. The Edu Masda Journal is an open access journal, So all published articles are available online through open access.
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Efektivitas Penggunaan Obat Asma Bronkial Dalam Menormalkan Nilai Hemoglobin Darah, Frekuensi Pernafasan dan Denyut Nadi Nur Hasanah; Nazla Nazla
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.56


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by episodic wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest due to obstruction of the respiratory tract which can be characterized by an excessive response from the trachea and bronchi to various stimuli. Bronchial Asthma at the Outpatient Installation Bhineka Bakti Husada Hospital for the period April - June 2018. This research is a descriptive non-experimental study. The method of collecting data retrospectively by looking at the source of Bronchial Asthma patient medical record data. The number of patients analyzed was 45 patients who met the inclusion criteria, namely having a diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma and therapy using drugs. Broccial asthma patients consisted of 30 (66.7%) female patients and 15 (33.3%) male patients. The most diagnosed patients with asthma in the age range of youth (18-45 years) as many as 35 patients. The drugs used are bronchodilator and corticosteroid groups. Salbutamol which is included in the sympathomimetic group is the most effective drug in normalizing the patient's Hb value. Methyl prednisolone included in the cortkosteroid group is the most effective drug in normalizing the respiratory frequency (tachypnea) and tachycardia values to normal.
Analisis Hubungan Keaktifan Ibu dalam Posyandu dengan Penurunan Jumlah Balita Bawah Garis Merah Putri Handayani Setyaningsih; Lira Kurnia
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.51


Based on the results of the Basic Health Research (Riskesda) of the Ministry of Health in 2018, it showed that 17.7% of infants in Indonesia with children under the age of five years were still experiencing nutritional problems. This figure consists of toddlers who experience malnutrition by 3.9% and those suffering from malnutrition by 13.8%. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of maternal activity in Posyandu with a decrease in the number of toddlers in the red line in the area of North Larangan Health Center in Tangerang City. The study used a descriptive correlation research with a cross sectional approach. The technique used in this study is stratified random sampling. Data collection was done by observing KMS toddler books, observations made were non-participant observations. The results of this study note that there is no significant relationship between maternal activity in Posyandu and a decrease in the number of toddlers under the red line in the North Larangan Health Center in Tangerang City. The results of active mothers were 63 respondents (70.0%). There is no relationship with the activity of mothers in reducing the number of children under five in the red line in the Posyandu area of the North Larangan Health Center in Tangerang City. It is recommended for Health Institutions to be able to improve the quality of services in conducting counseling, health promotion and services in order to prevent the occurrence of malnutrition status in infants.
Uji Efektivitas Antibakteri Dari Ekstrak Daun Kipait (Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A.Gray) Terhadap Bakteri Propionibacterium acnes Neneng Sri Purwaningsih; Sheila Meitania Utami; Widia Apriandini
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.57


There are 40-80% of acne cases in Southeast Asia while the prevalence of acne in Indonesia is quite high, which ranges from 85-100% of people. Acne is caused by the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes or abbreviated P. acnes.  Indonesia is very rich in biological natural resources in the form of medicinal plants. Kipait leaves contain alkaloids, saponins, tannins, phenolics, flavonoids, triterpenoids, steroids, glycosides. One of the important phytochemical compounds and has potential as an antibacterial is flavonoids. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial effectiveness of kipait leaf extract with a concentration of 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% against Propionibacterium acnes. The effectiveness of antibacterial testing is done using the well method.The test results of antibacterial effectiveness against Propionibacterium acnes bacteria obtained consecutively clear zone of 8.71 mm; 13.36 mm; 20.86 mm; 24.4 mm each was measured at a concentration of 20%; 40%; 60%; 80%. The results showed that the concentration of 60% and 80% of kipait leaf extract was very effective in inhibiting the growth of Propionibacterium acnesKeywords:Antibacterial effectivity testInhibition zoneKipahit leaves extractPropionibacterium acnesTithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. GrayABSTRAKTerdapat 40-80% kasus jerawat, di Asia Tenggara sedangkan prevalensi jerawat di Indonesia cukup tinggi, yaitu berkisar antara 85-100% orang. Jerawat disebabkan oleh bakteri Propionibacterium acnes atau disingkat P. acnes.  Indonesia sangat kaya dengan sumber daya alam hayati berupa tanaman obat. Daun kipait mengandung alkaloid, saponin, tanin, fenolik, flavonoid, triterpenoid, steroid, glikosida. Salah satu senyawa fitokimia yang penting dan memiliki potensi sebagai antibakteri adalah flavonoid. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas antibakteri ekstrak daun kipait dengan konsentrasi 20%, 40%, 60%, dan 80% terhadap bakteri Propionibacterium acnes. Pengujian efektivitas antibakteri dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sumuran. Hasil uji efektivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri Propionibacterium acnes diperoleh zona bening berturut-turut 8,71 mm; 13,36 mm; 20,86 mm; 24,4 mm masing-masing diukur pada konsentrasi 20% ; 40% ; 60% ; 80%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi 60% dan 80% dari ekstrak daun kipait sangat efektif dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Propionibacterium acnes.Kata Kunci:Uji efektivitas antibakteriDaya hambat Ekstrak Daun KipahitPropionibacterium acnesTithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray
Analisis Faktor Determinan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Kecamatan Ciseeng Kabupaten Bogor Fenita Purnama Sari Indah; Ratumas Ratih Puspita; Rita Dwi Pratiwi; Fildza Anindya Fadhila
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.52


According to data collected international baby food action network ( IBFAN ) breastfeeding exclusive coverage in indonesia th stage bottom three of 51 countries in the world and 42 %, in west java breastfeeding namely the exclusive 35,3 %, in bogor District breastfeeding namely the exclusive 50,7 %, and in Sub district of Ciseeng breastfeeding there is scope exclusive 13,8 %. The Objective of this research was identified faktor-faktor relating to the exclusive breastfeeding in infants in Sub district of Ciseeng, Bogor Districts.This research is analytic using design cross sectional, with the quantitative.Respondents women who have the babies 6-24 months old in Sub district of Ciseeng, Bogor Districts some 85 people. The results of the study or the factor that there was no connection significant by the provision of exclusive breastfeeding is the age of mother ( p value 0,406 ) and education mother ( p value 0,603 ) .While , a factor that deals with the provision of exclusive breastfeeding in kecamatan ciseeng bogor districts is a capital work ( p value0,000 ) , knowledge mother ( p value 0,013 ) and support of husbands p value 0,000 ) .The experimental work on this is the conclusion there are welfare between a capital work relationship , knowledge and support mother husband by the provision of exclusivebreastfeeding on the baby in Sub district of Ciseeng, Bogor Districts.
Analisis Standar Perencanaan dan Pengadaan Obat di Apotek Maleo Bintaro Nurwulan Adi Ismaya; Riris Andriati; Lilis Suryani Butar Butar
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.58


Selection and procurement isan important for drugs  in health service. In Maleo Bintaro’s pharmacy, the lateness in fulfilling the needs of medicine because of the industry void, the lateness for the invoice payment and also PBF facilities and infrastructure which is not fast enough cause the inefficient service towards the society. The purpose of these research is to know howdrug’s selection  and procurement in MaleoBintaro pharmacy. This research is descriptive research by retrieving data retrospectively. These are qualitative and quantitative data, also interviews with the related parties. The stage of selection and procurement efficiency is measured by using the indicators which are released by the Ministry of Health (DEPKES) RI in 2002 and Pudjaningsih in 1996. The conclusion of this research is from the 5 indicators which can be measured; 2 indicators have not met the standard yet. First, in the selection stage, the suitability value of the available drugs with DOEN showed 6,78% as the result, and the incomplete letter of the order or the contract showed the result for 12 times. On the other hand, the 3 other indicators which are the frequency of procuring drug items, the lateness in payment from the pharmacy to the specified time, and also the percentage of the number of drugs that are held and planned are effective according to the standard.
Perilaku Pengelolaan dan Pembuangan Sampah Pada Ibu Rumah Tangga di RW 04 Kelurahan Kedaung, Kecamatan Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan Lela Kania Rahsa Puji; Niken Ayu; Mochammad Hasan
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.47


Waste is a problem that must be handled and managed so that it does not cause any harmful further impacts. South Tangerang City produced 4,941 m3 / day of waste in 2015 with a service level of 59% of the total amount of urban waste. Kedaung Village located in Pamulang Subdistrict, waste management in Kedaung Village is not sufficient. Most households manage waste by burning, stockpiling it in soil (3.9%), composting it, dumping it into the river / ditch / sea and dumping it carelessly. This study was to determine the relationship of knowledge, attitudes and availability of facilities to management and disposal waste to housewife. research uses analytic research with cross sectional. Data processing by Fisher's Exact test analysis and Continuity Correction at a 95% confidence level α = 0.05. Results knowledge p-value = 0.192, attitudes  p-value = 0.067 and the availability of facilities p-value = 0.191. Conclusion that there is no relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and facilities for waste management and disposal waste in Kedaung Village, Pamulang Subdistric.South Tangerang 2019.
Pengaruh Perawatan Payudara Terhadap Kelancaran Asi dan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Ibu Nifas Junaida Rahmi; Siti Novy Romlah; Amanda Rischa Ramadihina; Indah Purnama Sari
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.54


The process of breastfeeding can run ejection if prolactin and oxytocin increase. Prolactin functions to produced milk and at the same time oxytocin is also released in response to stimulation of the nipples. Oxytocin functions for milk expenditure. Many types of methods to stimulate the released of the hormone prolactin and oxytocin are the choices for mothers who experience problems during breastfeeding, such as oxytocin massage, prolactin massage, marmet massage, breast care and so forth. The purpose study is the breast care to the ejection of breast milk and anxiety levels in postpartum mothers. The research design used a quasi experiment with the design of two groups pretest-posttest design that contained pretest before being given treatment and posttest after treatment. Research result Dependent t test results shows there are differences in the ejaction of breast milk before and after breast care in postpartum mothers (p = 0.031), there was no difference in anxiety levels before and after breast care in post partum mothers (p value= 0.278).
Analisis Hubungan Kebiasaan Merokok dan Aktifitas Fisik dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Kelompok Usia 45-54 Tahun Frida Kasumawati; Holidah Holidah; Qurrota A’yunin
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.48


Hypertension is ranked second (2) out of ten (10) most diseases in outpatients in hospitals in Indonesia. About 80% the increase of hypertension cases occur mainly in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship of smoking habits and physical activity with the incidence of hypertension in the 45-55 years age group. This type of study is a quantitative analytic study using cross sectional research design. Data collected by using a questionnaire. The number of samples was 94 people from RW 11, Meruyung Village. The results obtained by the incidence of hypertension by 64 (68.1%), smoking habits by 75 (79.8%) and poor physical activity by 55 (58.5%). Chi square statistical test results on the smoking habit variable obtained value (p-value = 0.287, > 0.05) can be concluded there is no significant relationship between smoking habits and the incidence of hypertension but at higher risk, the physical activity variable is obtained value (p value = 0.024, <0.05) that there is a significant relationship between physical activity and the incidence of hypertension. The need to improve healthy lifestyles by maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding smoking habits and doing light activities every day can prevent the incidence of hypertension.Keywords: HipertensyonSmoking habitsPhysical activity ABSTRAK Hipertensi menempati peringkat ke 2 dari 10 penyakit terbanyak pada pasien rawat jalan dirumah sakit di Indonesia, sekitar 80 % kenaikan kasus hipertensi terjadi terutama di negara berkembang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan kebiasaan merokok dan aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian hipertensi pada kelompok usia 45-55 tahun. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif analitik dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan cara menggunakan kuesioner. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 94 orang di RW 11 Kelurahan Meruyung. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kejadian hipertensi sebesar 64 (68,1), kebiasaan merokok sebesar 75(79,8%) dan aktivitas fisik kurang baik sebesar 55 (58,5%). Hasil uji statistik chi square pada variabel kebiasaan merokok diperoleh nilai (p-value = 0,287, > 0,05) maka tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kebiasaan merokok dengan kejadian hipertensi namun beresiko lebih tinggi, pada variabel aktivitas fisik diperoleh nilai (p value = 0,024, < 0,05) bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian hipertensi. Diharapkan agar terhindar dari oenyakit hipertensi perlunya meningkatkan pola hidup sehat salah satunya dengan menjaga pola makan, menghindari kebiasaan merokok dan melakukan aktivitas ringan setian hari.Kata Kunci: HipertensiKebiasaan merokokAktifitas fisik
Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Buah Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata D.) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Asam Urat Pada Mencit Putih Jantan (Mus musculus) Humaira Fadhilah; Riris Andriati; Ahmad Mukhlis Handono
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.55


Gout is an inflammatory process that occurs because of the accumulation of uric acid crystals around the joint tissue due to serum uric acid levels that exceed its solubility. Hyperuricemia is defined as serum uric acid concentration that exceeds 7 mg / dl. In pumpkin fruit there are chemical constituents such as saponins, flavonoids and tannins Flavonoid activity in pumpkin functions as a decrease in uric acid levels by inhibiting the action of the xanthine oxidase enzyme, some of which can inhibit the enzyme xantin oxidase enzymes as antioxidants (Wahyuni, s., and Wahyu, DS, 2010). to determine the effect of 96% ethanol extract of pumpkin on decreasing uric acid in mice (Mus musculus) .The study was conducted using experimental method. Data used in this study were the rate of decrease in uric acid levels in mice. Conclusion 96% ethanol extract of Yellow Pumpkin ( Cucurbita moschata D.) has the ability to reduce uric acid levels in mice (Mus musculus) in cons entration of 5% (6.1 ± 1.01), concentration of 10% (7.8 ± 1.58), concentration of 20% (4.7 ± 0.51). It is suggested that further research needs to be done to increase the dose concentration to find out more effects that affect the decrease in uric acid in mice.Keywords: Cucurbita moschataDecreased  urin acid Mice (Mus musculus)PumpkinUrin AcidABSTRAKPenyakit Gout merupakan suatu proses inflamasi yang terjadi karena penumpukan kristal asam urat pada sekitar jaringan sendi akibat kadar asam urat serum yang melebihi kelarutannya. Hiperurisemia didefinisikan sebagai konsentrasi asam urat dalam serum yang melebihi 7 mg/dl. Labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata)  dipercaya secara tradisional dapat menurunkan kadar asam urat. Pada buah labu kuning terdapat kandungan kimia seperti saponin, flavonoid dan tanin Aktivitas flavonoid pada labu kuning berfungsi sebagai penurunan kadar asam urat dengan cara menghambat kerja enzim xantin oksidase, beberapa flavonoid selain dapat  menghambat enzim enzim xantin oksidase juga bersifat sebagai antioksidan (Wahyuni, s., dan Wahyu, D.S., 2010). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek ekstrak etanol 96%  labu kuning terhadap penurunan asam urat pada mencit (Mus musculus). Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen, Data yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angka penurunan kadar asam urat pada mencit. Kesimpulan  ekstrak etanol 96% Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata D.) memiliki kemampuan untuk menurunkan kadar asam urat pada mencit (Mus musculus) pada konsentrasi 5% (6,1 ±1,01),  konsentrasi 10%(7,8±1,58), konsentrasi 20% (4,7±0,51). Disarankan penelitian selanjutnya perlu dilakukan peningkatan konsentrasi dosis untuk mengetahui efek yang lebih berpengaruh terhadap penurunan asam urat pada mencitKata Kunci: Cucurbita moschataPenurunan asam uratMencit (Mus musculus)Labu kuningAsam urat
Hubungan Kecemasan dengan Kualitas Tidur Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas; Dwi Fitriani
Edu Masda Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Edu Masda Journal Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : STIKes Kharisma Persada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52118/edumasda.v4i1.49


Students are one of the early adult groups who have a lot of activities, so that students become a group that is at risk of having poor sleep quality. One of the causes of poor sleep quality is anxiety factor. This research was conducted to identify the relationship between anxiety with sleep quality in the final level students at STIKes Kharisma Persada. The research design in this study used analytic observational research with a quantitative approach and cross sectional design, with sample was 133 respondents taken by using a simple random sampling. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire and data analysis used chi square statistical test. Based on the results of the research showed that most respondents were 21 years old, female, most respondents experience anxiety with mild levels of autonomic stimulation, mild muscle and bone effects, mild situational anxiety, and experiences in dealing with mild anxiety, have good sleep quality based on aspects of subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep disorders, and the use of good sleeping pills and most of the respondents have sleep quality which is based on aspects of the disruption of activity. Based on the results of bivariate analysis with chi square test, it is known that there is a relationship between anxiety and sleep quality with p value = 0.014. There is a relationship between anxiety and sleep quality in final level students.

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